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Episode 4: Featuring Rich Helldobler

April 22, 2021

minute read

This entry is part 4 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

As the Chief Strategy Officer for Noodle, Lee Bradshaw meets – you guessed it – a lot of interesting people in higher ed. In Noodle’s debut podcast, Bradshaw speaks with leaders from every facet of higher education to tease out their stories and learn about how they’re moving and shaking an industry that notoriously values tradition.

What does it mean to leave a great legacy behind? Rich Helldobler, President of William Paterson University, has some ideas. Rich delves into his story, his education and the mentors that helped him find his passion in theatre and dance. Lee and Rich discuss Rich’s experience prior to becoming president of William Paterson and the lessons he learned along the way. Rich comments on the advantages of higher education, its potential as the “great equalizer” for underprivileged communities, and how college systems can be reimagined to put student needs first. The two find common ground discussing the trials and tribulations of dog parenting.

Series Navigation<< Episode 3: Featuring Dr. Sevin YeltekinEpisode 5: Featuring Joshua Kim And Edward Maloney >>
This entry is part 4 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

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Series Navigation<< Episode 3: Featuring Dr. Sevin YeltekinEpisode 5: Featuring Joshua Kim And Edward Maloney >>