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Episode 3: Featuring Dr. Sevin Yeltekin

March 17, 2021
This entry is part 3 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

As the Chief Strategy Officer for Noodle, Lee Bradshaw meets – you guessed it – a lot of interesting people in higher ed. In Noodle’s debut podcast, Bradshaw speaks with leaders from every facet of higher education to tease out their stories and learn about how they’re moving and shaking an industry that notoriously values tradition.

Listen here!

We’re joined by Dr. Sevin Yeltekin, the Dean of the Simon Business School at the University of Rochester. Dr. Yeltekin discusses her upbringing in Istanbul, her ideas around cryptocurrency as a leading researcher in the field, and her time at Carnegie Mellon University as a professor of Economics and a senior associate dean at the Tepper School of Business. Listen to find out what about Bitcoin decentralization makes Dr. Yeltekin nervous.

Series Navigation<< Episode 2: Featuring Dr. Michael SorrellEpisode 4: Featuring Rich Helldobler >>
This entry is part 3 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

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Series Navigation<< Episode 2: Featuring Dr. Michael SorrellEpisode 4: Featuring Rich Helldobler >>