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Episode 15: John Katzman

July 26, 2022
This entry is part 15 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

As the Chief Strategy Officer for Noodle, Lee Bradshaw meets – you guessed it – a lot of interesting people in higher ed. In Noodle’s debut podcast, Bradshaw speaks with leaders from every facet of higher education to tease out their stories and learn about how they’re moving and shaking an industry that notoriously values tradition.

Noodle Founder and CEO, John Katzman took the stage at the 2022 ASU+GSV Summit to discuss Steering Ed Tech Towards the Public Good. Thirty years in, has technology made education measurably better and significantly less expensive? What are the concrete steps that we can take as a community to make education more responsive, resilient, inclusive, and cost-effective–while making investors great returns?John touches on a bunch of different nuances of Ed Tech in this short talk that we think you will find informative and intriguing.

Listen here:


‍To watch on Youtube click here.

Series Navigation<< Episode 14: Michael Sorrell ReturnsEpisode 16: Craig Boise >>
This entry is part 15 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

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Series Navigation<< Episode 14: Michael Sorrell ReturnsEpisode 16: Craig Boise >>