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Episode 12: Featuring Levent Yarar

April 13, 2022

minute read

This entry is part 12 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

As the Chief Strategy Officer for Noodle, Lee Bradshaw meets – you guessed it – a lot of interesting people in higher ed. In Noodle’s debut podcast, Bradshaw speaks with leaders from every facet of higher education to tease out their stories and learn about how they’re moving and shaking an industry that notoriously values tradition.

This episode’s guest is Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships at Wharton Interactive, Levent Yarar. Levent and Lee discuss the past, present, and future of executive education, and how these programs can help teach great leadership skills. Levent opens up about his prior experiences in the business world which range from the fashion industry to mining (and not for bitcoin.) The two discuss lifelong learning and how they see executive education fitting into the larger picture. Lee asks about the pandemic and what lessons we can take from it, to which Levent gives some interesting perspective into the future of hybrid education. Levent also explains his opinion that education needs to be democratized to give more equal access.

Check out the new episode here


Series Navigation<< Episode 11: Featuring Natalie McKnightEpisode 13: Joey Gawrysiak & Cameron McCoy >>
This entry is part 12 of 22 in the series The Most Interesting People in Higher Ed

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