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Profiles in Diversity: May Hang

May 8, 2024

minute read

Get to Know Noodle People Team Coordinator, May Hang

“I used to think leadership was all about projecting confidence and having all the answers. Now I know it’s about being genuine, vulnerable, and willing to learn from your mistakes.”

May Hang is a People Team Coordinator at Noodle. Born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan she received her education at Oakland University majoring in Human Resources Development. She shares that as a first-generation college graduate education has always been important in her family. Education has exposed May to a variety of opportunities because of the path she chose to pursue. Now here at Noodle she supports the People Team and all of Noodle by ensuring they receive the support they need for success. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit?

I believe what makes a great leader is the ability to look at any challenge and not be intimidated by it. Any problem that arises is actually an opportunity in disguise. This way of thinking has always been admirable to me because this usually inspires leaders and motivates them to push not only themselves, but those around them to greater heights.

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

When I think of impactful leaders, Malala Yousafzai comes to mind. Her courage, resilience and unwavering commitment to girls’ education in the face of adversity is inspiring. Malala’s ability to speak truth to power, advocating for change demonstrates the transformative power of what a great leader is. 

How has your personal leadership style evolved? 

Everyone knows about the age-old adage  “Fake it till you make it”.  But these days I’ve learned to simply just “keep it real”. I used to think leadership was all about projecting confidence and having all the answers. Now I know it’s about being genuine, vulnerable, and willing to learn from your mistakes. 

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role.

I believe that my earlier roles in customer service have been an important foundation for my development into who and where I am today. Working in environments such as fast food, retail, and restaurants is a whole different ball game. It has taught me so many valuable skills that have become my backbone in how I approach not just my professional life— but personal as well.

How do you support the success of your team?

As the People Team coordinator, I get exposed to various HR-related tasks on a daily basis that give me the opportunity to help not only the People Team, but the rest of the Noodle population. Whether it is providing HRIS support within UKG or a ticket inquiring about benefits—my number one priority is making sure that anyone I interact with feels like they are getting the support that they need to succeed at Noodle. 

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences.

Being exposed to diverse people, places, and experiences has been  instrumental in shaping my career. It has provided me with a broader perspective, taught me to appreciate different viewpoints and approaches, and has enhanced my problem-solving skills and my adaptability.

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal?

First and foremost—the ability to adapt. Not everything will go as planned, but if you are able to pivot – you will always stay ahead of the game. Additionally, providing concise communication alongside active listening is something I also try to practice. The ability to communicate may seem simple, but when it is honed, I feel like it makes all the difference in how you show up for yourself and your team.  

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

I grew up on a farm full of pigs, ducks, chickens and pigeons. Yes, pigeons… To this day I still don’t know where my grandmother got them from. 

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