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Profiles in Diversity: Regina Law

March 13, 2024

Get to Know Noodle’s VP of Partnership Development, Regina Law

“It is not just about allowing people to bring their whole selves to work, but actually creating the conditions where their whole self makes the team stronger.” 

Regina Law is Noodle’s VP of Partnerships Development. Originally from New Jersey, she did her undergraduate studies at NYU Stern School of Business in Finance and Marketing and her graduate studies at Parsons at The New School in Strategic Design and Management. As a child of immigrants, she shares that she originally wanted to be a kindergarten teacher growing up. Regina actually spent some time working as a teaching assistant her freshman year, but working in education was never the ‘plan’. She shares that although her path began in Finance, education has been critical for her to gain new opportunities since the beginning. Now here at Noodle she supports her team with her extensive expertise of partnerships and connecting each other as people and to the goals of their work. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit? 

One of my best bosses said her job was to give credit and take blame—creating an environment where people felt safe to be innovative and push the envelope without worrying about their jobs. Great leaders see themselves as mentors—providing opportunities and space to excel without micromanaging. They also recognize work is just one part of a person  and the rest of someone’s life sets the context for how an employee shows up. It is not just about allowing people to bring their whole selves to work, but actually creating the conditions where their whole self makes the team stronger. My best leaders have been my role models in life—not just at work. 

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why? 

Jacinda Ardern, former Prime Minister of New Zealand. She led with empathy, made tough decisions and policy choices based on what she felt was right for her country (even if it garnered criticism), and she became a mom while acting as the world’s youngest female head of government! Her quiet confidence and ability to get things done while also showing vulnerability and staying true to herself is something I deeply admire. 

How has your personal leadership style evolved? 

As I’ve grown, I think I’ve become more patient and empathetic in my leadership style. My focus has become more about enabling those I work with to be successful on their own terms. I’ve realized that often things can’t be done on my time or  in my own way. The best I can do is to set those I lead up for success by providing goals, boundaries, and tools. Learning to trust them to do what’s right and knowing how and when to offer help is an instinct I’ve worked hard to develop.

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role. 

Prior to Noodle, I spent six years at the New School thinking about alternative revenue opportunities, including corporate partnerships, executive education, and online learning. Working in innovation at a university gave me a deep appreciation and understanding for the culture, challenges, and potential of higher education. Like many institutions, The New School needed to hold true to its long legacy of success and the processes that enabled it, while simultaneously acknowledging the future looks different and change is necessary. Living through it in a university setting has made me more empathetic and more effective in translating their needs and connecting them into the product solutions and features we build.

How do you support the success of your team? 

I consider the most important part of my job to be connecting people, both internally and with external partners. I also help to build a common language and vision. Understanding the goals and motivations of each person, then enabling success by finding a way for all of us to move forward together is how I support the success of my team. 

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences. 

I have been lucky in that my career has always been at the intersections of different teams – giving me a lot of exposure to people with different backgrounds, experiences, and skills. It can be uncomfortable because I am consistently challenged to look at things from new perspectives.  But I know I am smarter, more empathetic, and more creative as a result of it.

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal? 

Although I am working on it, I am still not the most patient person.  However,  I do think I am a great listener. As a leader, I’ve focused on listening intentionally— not just processing the words that are being said, but more importantly  the context in which things are being said. That has helped me be more empathetic, more patient,  and allow me to truly pinpoint and understand the problem (and its context!) to serve as a foundation to build a solution together.

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn. 

When I first meet people, they are often surprised to learn that I have 3 kids ( ages 5, 3, 1)! I think being a mother has made me a better leader in a lot of ways – there is nothing quite like a toddler meltdown to test your patience, negotiation skills, and ability to translate nonsense into needs.

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