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Women’s History Month Profile: Digital Media Manager, Mandy Wang

March 20, 2023

minute read

Get to Know Noodle’s Manager of Digital Media, Mandy Wang

I truly believe work and relationships must build upon a solid foundation. No one’s work is isolated and I’ve learned that sharing is caring.

Mandy Wang is a Manager of Digital Media at Noodle. She was born and raised in Guangzhou (Canton), China, a place known and famous for its unique Cantonese language, cuisine and history. She shares that her love of the creative arts have influenced her educational path and have allowed her to embrace many different interests for her work. Here at Noodle, she embraces the symmetrical left and right brain with intentional planning to support the management of media and the success of her team. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit?

Clear communication with a goal and direction to drive others forward. A great leader leans on an individual’s strengths and provides guidance for them to always improve.

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

I’ll share an old Chinese saying that says “If three walk together, one should be my teacher”. My life is filled with absolutely great family members, leaders, mentors, colleagues and friends. All of these individuals come near and from afar. Each of them shows, teaches and guides me through my life and career in ways  I need to learn and grow at any given time. 

How has your personal leadership style evolved? 

Throughout my childhood and early adulthood I felt like a big sponge soaking in so much knowledge and experiences. I first felt a noticeable shift in my own leadership style when I became a mother to my daughter in 2020. During this time the “Stop Asian Hate” movement had gotten a lot of visibility in the media with various calls to action with it. That time resurfaced some memories of mine and some of the racist stories of others from the Asian community. All of these experiences—both shared and individual— encouraged and inspired me to make a change in myself and in how I parent my daughter. I feel empowered to challenge others’ perceptions, behaviors, and beliefs that are not aligned with my values— even when it can be uncomfortable. Toxicity has no place in my life and I believe change starts with me. 

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role.

I support our Branding vs Lead Gen Media initiatives which is a hybrid of Media Planning specialized in both digital and traditional media. I’ve managed brand campaigns through researching, planning, implementation, maintenance, and analysis across various industries such as retail and non-profits. Noodle is lead gen/performance focus, which has allowed me to grow in a new field that I didn’t have from my past agency experience. My time here has given me perspectives to see the strengths and challenges from each side which helps reinforce the importance of full-funnel strategy. My previous experience working at a mid-size advertising was founded in the 1970s and matured when I joined. Throughout my tenure, I had to adapt to waves of clients roster changes, new onboarding tools and much more. Although Noodle is in a different life stage, the culture of inclusion here reminds me to hold on to the goal and vision beyond the uncomfortable moments and lean onto each other through struggles.

How do you support the success of your team?

Sharing the vision and providing context of our work. I also help to balance set goals with areas for change and I make sure I fully engage with my team!

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences.

A diverse workplace and experiences has empowered me to be a critical thinker, plan and analyze from different angles vs a single point of view.

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal?

I truly believe work and relationships must build upon a solid foundation. No one’s work is isolated and I’ve learned that sharing is caring. Also, there’s always room for improvement and growth.

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

I am a ceramist! I love making my own ceramics and it’s something of a spiritual experience for me. I flow through working with my clay, turning joy and sadness, grief and rebirth, courage and self-doubt, energy and fatigue into ceramic vases in my spare time.  If you want to learn more about my work, please visit my Etsy shop!

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