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Profiles in Diversity: Kiara Richmond

March 21, 2024

minute read

Get to Know Noodle’s Senior Manager, Brand & Corporate Marketing, Kiara Richmond

“Great leaders are not afraid of difficult conversations and during times of failure, they remain positive and pull lessons on how to improve and grow.”

Kiara Richmond is Noodle’s Senior Manager, Brand & Corporate Marketing. Born and raised in Maryland, she received her Bachelors in Mass Communications from Towson University and her Masters in Marketing from Walden University. She shares that although education isn’t necessarily the focus of her life’s work, attending college helped her find her passion for advertising. Kiara shares that good advertising has the power to evoke emotion out of others and that is why she chose to go into the field. Now here at Noodle, she supports her team by being a great thought partner around problem solving and being empathetic to who they are as humans first. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit?

A great leader motivates and leads by example. They trust their team and foster a healthy working environment. They welcome everyone’s opinions and ensure everyone feels valued and seen. Great leaders are not afraid of difficult conversations and during times of failure, they remain positive and pull lessons on how to improve and grow. Most importantly, I think a great leader cares for their team’s growth and development.

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

I’ve had a few great leaders during my careers and look up to a few public leaders, but the first person that comes to mind who exhibits great leadership is my current manager, Sarah Nicole Mahoney. She gives us the space and opportunity to problem solve, make decisions, and own our projects. She’s always available when we need guidance and constantly motivates us to Never Stop Learning. Whenever the team is nervous about taking on new tasks or faced with an obstacle, she gives us the motivation through her coaching. 

How has your personal leadership style evolved? 

Throughout the years, I’d say my personal leadership style has evolved by aiming to be more growth focused. I think motivating your team to push themselves outside their comfort zone allows team members to see their full potential and build skills. I used to jump in and solve issues for my team members, but I’ve noticed that when I position myself as a thought partner instead, it allows them to problem solve and build critical thinking skills. As a result, this has  led to great strategic solutions. 

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role.

As the Senior Manager of Brand and Corporate Marketing, my role is to manage internal marketing initiatives and overall brand strategy. I help to ensure our company’s story is effectively communicated and I also help promote the company’s services and products. My background has greatly positioned me for this role as most of my career has been in the Ed-tech industry. I also have experience with managing all brand marketing efforts for other companies. Also, I received my Bachelor’s degree in person, and my Master’s degree online so I believe I bring a special set of lenses when it comes to understanding the needs of online learners and how that may differ from the traditional “in person” student. 

How do you support the success of your team?

I support the success of my team by ensuring our projects meet deadlines and expectations. I always strive to be a team player and lend a helping hand—no task is too big or too small! I ensure I know the ins and outs of every project and constantly keep everyone in the loop with status updates as we execute.

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences.

I believe we all can learn so much from others’ differences. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to travel over the world and meet people from different backgrounds. This exposure has allowed me to be more aware of different perspectives and values, all while minimizing stereotypes! 

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal?

One of my most effective tools is being empathetic. Everyone is human and you never know what a person is going through outside of work, so I always make sure I’m understanding and see things from their point of view. Being emotionally aware of your teammates helps to build trust and rapport.  

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

I love a good mystery! Maybe I was a detective in my past life but anything that has to do with “Who done it” murder mysteries, brain exercises, escape rooms, etc. is right up my alley! I’ve done 23 escape rooms and counting. I may not always “escape” the room but I do enjoy the different themes and I try to do one in each new city I visit.

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