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Black History Month Profile: Enrollment Advisor, Jasmine Winfield

February 28, 2023

minute read

Get to Know Noodle Enrollment Advisor, Jasmine Winfield

It’s not about thinking I’m the only person in the room with the answers or who has the best ideas, but allowing my team to be creative and be their own problem solvers.

Jasmine Winfield is an Enrollment Advisor at Noodle. Originally from Oceanside, California, she attended Long Beach State University and recalls education being a huge emphasis in her family growing up. Jasmine shares she was always pushed to not only gain education for herself, but also was encouraged to use what she learned to teach others. She believes that education should be accessible to everyone and loves to mentor students to help them unlock doors for themselves. Here at Noodle, Jasmine helps lead the Black Noodle Network (BNN) Employee Resource Group and the Enrollment Team by being a team player and giving her team the resources they need to be successful. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit?

 Humility, composure, vision, charisma, and the ability to inspire.

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

Laura Hertzog. She is amazing. She is like the fairy godmother to BNN.  I am in awe of her ability to lead by example. She lives what she teaches out loud and stands her values. Her integrity and commitment to taking care of herself and her staff is admirable and I wanna be like her when I grow up.

How has your personal leadership style evolved?

I used to be the “let me just do it” kind of person, but now I have adopted a “let me empower the people I lead” approach. I support those I lead by giving them the resources they need to be successful. I also give space to others for their input and to  help where needed. I think people are more productive when they have a vested interest and also when they have skin in the game. It’s not about thinking I’m the only person in the room with the answers or who has the best ideas, but allowing my team to be creative and be their own problem solvers. While also being supportive and hands on when necessary. 

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? 

Before coming to Noodle, I had been in the higher education field in some capacity for over 15 years. At the university level, I have worked in Student Development Departments, in Enrollment, Student Advising, Financial Aid and more. I helped organize and develop a first call resolution team for my previous employer as well as worked heavily to create a positive work culture for our department. My current role as an Enrollment Advisor is aligned with my previous experiences as well as my position as a Co-Lead with BNN.

How do you support the success of your team?

 I am a cheerleader, I love celebrating and intentionally highlighting the success of others!

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences. 

Exposure is major! Once you have been exposed to something–especially if it’s positive—it makes a lasting impact. I am fortunate to come from a very diverse community, been in diverse schools and worked in diverse settings. Having that exposure to diversity has enhanced my career in many ways. It has given me the ability to see things from multiple perspectives and has allowed me to be more relatable.  I am a better person, mother, employee and leader because I have been blessed to experience people from all walks of life and the unique skills they bring to the table.

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal? 

I am a team player. There is not a job that I am too good to do. I have no problem rolling up my sleeves and putting in work. 

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

 I think people would be surprised to learn that I used to compete on a collegiate Slam Poetry Team and traveled around the country competing.

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