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Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month: Senior Vice President Marketing Strategy, James Han

May 17, 2022

minute read

Get to Know Senior Vice President Marketing Strategy James Han

We want great leaders to have vision, have the ability to empower a team to excel and help build a great workplace culture.

‍James Han, Noodle’s Senior Vice President Marketing Strategy is originally from Seoul, South Korea and spent his youth in Southern California. He attended UC Irvine for his undergraduate studies and then Carnegie Mellon for his Masters. James recalls the first time he understood the power of higher education when he interacted with a student from a background less privileged than his, and saw the many ways in which their lived experiences were different, even though they were at the same place in life. This helped him see that education was transformative and he wanted to ensure others had the same opportunities. Now at Noodle, James supports his team by motivating them to excel and ensuring they have the tools needed to succeed.

‍What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit?

‍In my mind, a great leader knows they are a byproduct of a great team.  We want great leaders to have vision, have the ability to empower a team to excel and help build a great workplace culture.

‍When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

‍Two people from past work experiences influenced me the most when it comes to leadership. These individuals have impacted me on how to engage with people. One was always a thoughtful manager. This person taught me to learn at least one thing from each person you work with. What you learn will lead you to a diverse group and mindsets. The second was a challenging, yet open-minded manager who held me accountable and gave me chances to take risks, explore new ideas and opportunities to expand my skills.

‍How has your personal leadership style evolved?

‍I believe my leadership style has evolved from focusing on tasks and concrete accomplishments to leaning more into creating long lasting impact and being a partner in my team’s career and skill advancement. I also try to bring more joy and levity to working with my team everyday.  

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role.

‍I have an interesting background in Operations, Finance and Marketing. Financial and Operational disciplines align very well with performance and brand marketing that helps to generate positive returns on investment.

‍How do you support the success of your team?

‍I ensure my team has the resources they need to execute tasks and resolves issues or challenges that hinder our team’s success.

‍Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences.

Embracing diversity at work with different aspects such as different cultures, genders, etc., creates a work dynamic that fosters an environment of belonging. I especially try to listen to those that are not always the most verbal. I have gotten ideas and invaluable perspectives from many team members I would have never expected to receive something from.

‍What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal?

‍Listening without prejudice and giving opportunities to motivate my team.

‍Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

‍I tend to walk really fast! Probably to compensate for my height. Many people often ask me where I am going in such a hurry!

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