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Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Profile: Noodle Market Analyst, Caroline Kim

May 16, 2023

minute read

Get To Know Noodle Market Research Analyst, Caroline Kim

I’m always hoping to grow as a leader and that involves self reflection…

‍Caroline Kim is a Market Research Analyst at Noodle. She was born and raised in Eldersburg, Maryland and attended Johns Hopkins University where she studied International Studies and Sociology. Caroline shares there wasn’t a singular moment when she decided to dive into higher education but through her Sociology courses, education was a recurring topic. Caroline believes that education is a powerful tool for bridging gaps and creating accessibility for students. Now here at Noodle, she helps her team by using her leadership skills to predict questions and navigate challenges while also providing recommendations for working with external partners and internal stakeholders. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit?

A great leader is organized, empathetic, and knowledgeable.

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

I think of my manager, Cheryl Kimis. She’s able to field my many questions, always points me in the right direction for new research ventures and is always willing to work through things together. Her organizational skills ensure that our team is running smoothly, and our mutual trust in each other’s expertise makes for a super great work environment. 

How has your personal leadership style evolved?

I’m always hoping to grow as a leader and that involves self reflection – asking myself where am I succeeding and where am I struggling? Then always striving to overcome my shortcomings. 

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role.

Before coming to Noodle, I worked at EAB as a research associate. In this role, I created data-driven reports to advise university partners on a variety of topics. My reports would include website audits, reviews of strategic plans, or how to improve prospective student experiences. Offering data driven recommendations is at the core of what I do at Noodle as a market research analyst, so my time at EAB definitely helps my work here at Noodle!

How do you support the success of your team?

I support the success of my team in two ways. First, I strive to offer thoughtful recommendations and insights for our external partners and internal stakeholders. Secondly, by checking in with my teammates and getting to know them better by holding space to chat about work and non-work topics!

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences.

At Noodle, I’m part of the API ERG. It’s a space where I can meet new Noodlers at fun virtual events and participate in learning experiences. It’s a great opportunity for me to learn about other cultures and backgrounds.

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal?

The ability to predict questions, roadblocks, or comments and figuring out in advance how to mitigate them is an effective leadership tool. Unfortunately, I’m not able to tell the future, so being able to work in limbo or with flexibility is also necessary. 

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

This is random, but my elbows are double jointed! 

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