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Profiles in Diversity: Andrianne Adams

February 13, 2024

minute read

Get to Know Noodle Enrollment Advisor, Andrianne Adams

“Relationship is at the core of all things leadership.”

Andrianne Adams is a Noodle Enrollment Advisor. Originally from Yazoo City, MS she received her education from a number of postsecondary institutions such as Holmes Community College, MS State University, Antonelli College and St Thomas Aquinas College. She started off as a vocal performance major before switching to Education and minoring in English. Andrianne shares that education became the focus of her life’s work because of the decline she witnessed in her own community. She knew she wanted to make a change. Now here at Noodle, she embodies the Core Values in her leadership and work with her team, the Black Noodle Network and the DEI Advisory Committee. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit? 

Leadership through example. In every leadership position I’ve held, I’ve made it a point to learn the jobs of all those I’ve managed. It’s important to understand where employees are, in order to help them get to where they want to be.

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

When I think of great leadership, Nelson Mandela comes to mind. I believe he created a path for racial equality, quality education, and served as an example for our current leaders, such as former President Barack Obama, to have a voice and to BE the change we so richly desire to see in the world today. 

How has your personal leadership style evolved? 

My leadership style has evolved a great deal due to the experiences I’ve been afforded, the personal development courses I’ve taken, and certifications I’ve obtained. I take a relational approach to morale building in those around me. I believe in marrying all my skills I’ve learned over the course of my career to make a difference. My leadership style ultimately has evolved into something that is multifaceted instead of being one-dimensional.

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role. 

Prior to my role at Noodle, I was an Admissions Counselor and Slate Captain. It positioned me for my current position as an Enrollment Advisor by allowing me to walk students through the enrollment process—-from the admissions stage throughout their matriculation at the University. As an Admissions Counselor I met with students to assist them in the admissions process. As a Slate Captain, I successfully maintained all incoming applications that came through our system via Slate and Jenzabar, both of which are applications used to create and maintain student records.

How do you support the success of your team? 

I support the success of my team by being encouraging to them and working my pipeline to add to the overall progress of the team. I believe in maintaining open communication with my peers and seniors to learn about opportunities for growth. I also volunteer for webinars in order to connect with students and maintain relationships. 

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences. 

My career has enhanced because my mind has been enhanced! Working with the Black Noodle Network, the DEI Advisory Committee, and being a part of a company that embraces diversity has not only enhanced my career, but it’s changed my life and my perspective. I have utilized many various learning opportunities and have gotten certifications in many DEI courses on LinkedIn Learning. I truly embrace Noodle’s core value of “Never Stop Learning.”

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal? 

My most effective tools are truly wrapped up in the core values of this company. I Embrace Joy in spite of the circumstance. I Demand Excellence from myself before expecting it from others. I don’t fail to learn at every given opportunity and I’m all about Catalyzing Change in order to evolve and compete. Finally, I’m all about Building Community. Relationship is at the core of all things leadership.

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn. 

As much as I am driven by building relationships, I’m a HUGE introvert. I shutter at the thought of being around a lot of people. I’ve also authored two books and am working on another currently. The other thing I’ll share is I can spit bars! I love to freestyle. 

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