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Black History Month Profile: Technical Support Specialist Akeem Ogaro

February 7, 2023

minute read

Get to Know Noodle’s Technical Support Specialist, Akeem Ogaro

I believe a great leader should exhibit patience, tenacity, agility and adaptability.

‍Akeem Ogaro is a Noodle Technical Support Specialist. Originally from the Bronx, NY, he’s spent most of his life in Jamaica, where his family is from. He originally dreamed of being a doctor or dentist before he attended Monroe College in New York City and majored in Computer Science and he realized that technology was his passion. He remembers his father purchasing his first computer also influencing his decision to pursue a career in technology and computers. Now here at Noodle Akeem supports the entire company through the Tech Ops team and through his charismatic personality. 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit?

I believe a great leader should exhibit patience, tenacity, agility and adaptability. In addition to that, some other traits that compliment great leadership include transparency, trust and humility while being able to pioneer the overall goals  of the team or company. 

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why?

Not being cliche, but my current manager, Rebecca Sanders! She’s a humble leader. Not only does she have all the traits I shared above but what makes her leadership unique is that she empowers learning and growth while simultaneously maintaining your job duties—without any pressure. Rebecca leads by example! 

How has your personal leadership style evolved? 

My style has evolved over the years to being more dynamic, diligent and charismatic due to being customer/vendor facing for many years!

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role. 

When I was fresh out of college, my first job was being a Junior IT Associate with a small non-profit Ed Tech company in New York City. I had the chance to see our team work to provide service to schools and I was working with the IT director to implement online software! This led to me gaining knowledge and experience supporting different schools and universities. My previous role was working  for a retail giant, where I was able to hone in on my customer service skills while providing support in a much bigger setting. Furthermore, I was exposed to providing support to C Suite  executives very closely with presentations and projects all while ensuring our daily tasks were taken care of! All my previous experiences helped uniquely place me here at Noodle. 

How do you support the success of your team?

I support my team’s success by not only being able to manage our duties but mostly being charismatic while doing it. I think that’s one of my strengths! 

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences.

Being from the Bronx and growing up in the Caribbean definitely adds fuel to the engine of my career. That reason being is that I have always been exposed to different cultures and people from many backgrounds. This has allowed me to gain a certain appreciation and joy of working with everyone—no matter who they are or where they come from.

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal?

The most effective I would say in my arsenal would be my humility and charisma. If I continue to develop these skills, I’ll be an effective leader!

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

I don’t eat ketchup – dry fries all day!  

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