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Noodle Collaborates with Columbia Business School’s Executive Education to Transform its Flagship Advanced Management Program

January 5, 2020

NEW YORK (January 5, 2020) – Noodle, a leading online higher education network, announced today a new collaboration with Columbia Business School to redesign the School’s current NYC-based Advanced Management Program into a new, blended, multi-modular format.

The redesigned Advanced Management Program (AMP) from Columbia Business School Executive Education launches in Summer 2021. This is Noodle’s first online program collaboration with Columbia Business School, one of the world’s premier institutions of management education.

Columbia Business School’s comprehensive leadership programs offer the opportunity for the influential business visionaries of our time to interact with tomorrow’s c-suite. In these immersive programs for mid-to-senior-level executives, participants become part of a close-knit group of leaders that span global business, becoming a master of change through a variety of transformative experiences.

Columbia’s AMP creates a forum for executives to network with industry experts and other executives, connect with thought leaders, diverse talent, and a vast community of business leaders with hands-on experience. AMP participants obtain strategies and global leadership essentials on their own schedule, interact with subject matter experts, and network with peers from around the world. Executives will return to their organizations with the knowledge and skills to mobilize their teams around a shared vision, preparing them for the challenges ahead.

As Columbia’s flagship Executive Education program, the AMP places global executives at the very center of business. The program allows them to learn, reflect, and practice abilities and ideas that matter most to today’s business world and the global community – all backed by Columbia Business School’s history, scale, and resources.

The AMP uses a mix of learning methods, weaving together insights from faculty and industry thought leaders with state-of-the-art experiential learning sessions, peer learning, personal assessments, and individual coaching. Participants hone their integrated leadership skills by sharpening their expertise across three key themes: Personal Leadership; Interpersonal Leadership and Strategic Leadership. Executives emerge from the Advanced Management Program stronger and more focused leaders, ready to better communicate their strategies and ideas for change for their organizations.

“For decades, the Business School’s Advanced Management Program has provided leaders unique insights allowing them to seize opportunity in an ever-changing economic landscape,” said Pierre Yared, Vice Dean for Executive Education and MUTB Professor of International Business at Columbia Business School. “Today, as the use of data and analytics accelerates the pace of change across the globe, we are excited to partner with Noodle to revamp and enhance this critical program in our portfolio, further ensuring that today’s leaders are equipped with the skills needed to affect positive change in any industry.”  

“This program provides a unique platform for executives to engage with top-tier business leaders, as well as with their peers. Noodle is thrilled to offer this to a diverse audience of talented executives,” John Katzman, Noodle CEO stated. “This is the type of program in which networking is critically important, and the faculty at Columbia Business School have been very creative about how to facilitate and emphasize that in the online environment.”

“Noodle is honored to support such an impactful program in one of the most prestigious universities in our hometown of New York City,” said Lee Bradshaw, Noodle’s Chief Strategy Officer. “Executives of the program will be equipped with the tools to make immediate and important changes in their respective professional environments.”

About Columbia Business School

Columbia Business School is the only world-class, Ivy League business school that delivers a learning experience where academic excellence meets with real-time exposure to the pulse of global business. The School’s transformative curriculum bridges academic theory with unparalleled exposure to real-world business practice, equipping students with an entrepreneurial mindset that allows them to recognize, capture, and create opportunity in any business environment. The thought leadership of the School’s faculty and staff, combined with the accomplishments of its distinguished alumni and position in the center of global business, means that the School’s efforts have an immediate, measurable impact on the forces shaping business every day. To learn more about Columbia Business School’s position at the very center of business, please visit

About Noodle:

Noodle creates excellent online and agile programs that elevate campus-wide teaching and technology. Since January, 2019, Noodle has launched almost as many online degree programs with elite US universities as have all of our competitors combined. Our network of universities, higher education leaders, providers and students fuel innovation and efficiency in learning design, marketing, recruitment, technology, student and faculty support, and clinical placement. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @NoodleEducation.

Renee Young

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