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Video 2: Evolving Data Processes for Higher Education Recruitment

July 5, 2024

Digital Recruitment Unveiled: Tools and Trends Shaping Student Enrollment

Video 2: Evolving Data Processes for Higher Education Recruitment

Transform your university by transforming your data processes. Despite its power, data science remains underutilized in many universities. Data frameworks provide a solid foundation across your university structure—from marketing and enrollment to operations to student success. 

In this video, Kevin Phang identifies the top questions your teams should be asking to build a culture of data curiosity across your institutions.

Watch Video 2: Evolving Data Processes for Higher Education Recruitment

Kevin Phang is the Vice President of Partnership Development, Marketing & Enrollment at Noodle.

Series Navigation<< Video 1: Series Introduction | Understanding Data TerminologyVideo 3: Myths and Misconceptions of Data in Recruitment Processes >>
This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Digital Recruitment Unveiled: Tools and Trends Shaping Student Enrollment

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Series Navigation<< Video 1: Series Introduction | Understanding Data TerminologyVideo 3: Myths and Misconceptions of Data in Recruitment Processes >>