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Noodle’s 2023 P3-EDU Primer With John Katzman

September 18, 2023
This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Noodle With Us

In this episode, our guest is Noodle CEO and founder John Katzman. We focus on the upcoming September 27-29, 2023 P3-EDU event in Denver, Colorado, delving into the intersection of technology and education, and discussing the role of data in shaping academic outcomes. We talk about the potential misuse of data in education and the need for data in ushering good careers rather than just credentials. We also explore the future of tech in education and the importance of public-private partnerships.

Listen here:


Series NavigationNoodle’s 2023 EDUCAUSE & Leadership In Higher Ed Primer >>
This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Noodle With Us

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Series NavigationNoodle’s 2023 EDUCAUSE & Leadership In Higher Ed Primer >>