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Two differently colored blue circles, one containing a medical symbol, the other containing a graduation cap, overlap each other slightly.
In this one hour webinar, Butler University Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Assistant Director of the Doctor of Pharmacy Online Pathway, Dr. Kevin Tuohy, and Noodle Senior Managing Director for Learning Partnerships, Robyn Hammontree, will discuss the power of creating a strong orientation for your online programs.  The webinar will include an exploration and […]
This 60-minute webinar will explore the transformative shift away from conventional approaches in higher education toward nontraditional pathways that focus on retraining, reskilling/upskilling, and flexible models that emphasize skills, with real-world examples of successful customized learning paths. The presenters, George Washington University College of Professional Studies Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Tobi Greiff, Director […]
Digital Recruitment Unveiled: Tools and Trends Shaping Student Enrollment Video 5: Building a Data-Empowered Culture That Embraces Change Empowering Your Teams to Make Data-Based Decisions Across Your University. When your teams are empowered to understand and analyze data trends, they can make adjustments to their processes that create engaging programs learners clamor for and drive […]
Digital Recruitment Unveiled: Tools and Trends Shaping Student Enrollment Video 4: Unraveling Data Mysteries to Empower Enrollment Strategies Uncover the Story Your Recruitment Data is Actually Telling You As a whole, we’ve all become so reliant on technology, we struggle to analyze and uncover data stories on our own. But technology was only ever meant […]
Digital Recruitment Unveiled: Tools and Trends Shaping Student Enrollment Video 3: Myths and Misconceptions of Data in Recruitment Processes Breaking down the biggest data myths in higher education. The biggest data myth of all is that the numbers are fact. In reality, every person brings their own biases and perceptions to data. And they can […]
Digital Recruitment Unveiled: Tools and Trends Shaping Student Enrollment Video 2: Evolving Data Processes for Higher Education Recruitment Transform your university by transforming your data processes. Despite its power, data science remains underutilized in many universities. Data frameworks provide a solid foundation across your university structure—from marketing and enrollment to operations to student success.  In […]
Digital Recruitment Unveiled: Tools and Trends Shaping Student Enrollment Video 1: Series Introduction | Understanding Data Terminology Uncover the real stories your data is trying to tell you. Data is both the most ubiquitous and out-of-reach tool for many institutions. We have data in abundance, but knowing how to use it or when? That’s another […]