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Matching Candidates to Careers

Streamlined, Customized, and Community-Based

We tailor our process to meet the unique requirements of each university, adjusting our level of involvement as needed. We work with partners to place students on time at quality sites. Our highly trained placement advisors are dedicated to identifying and evaluating potential placement settings to fulfill the program’s clinical hour requirements and learning objectives. The placement process is comprehensively managed through a customized Salesforce instance.

Our aim is to create a tailored placement program that enables learners to fulfill their practicum requirements within their local communities. We have established an effective operational process to facilitate site development for expanding online programs, and offer a specialized tool to manage site development and pipelines that match and meet specific field requirements.

How We Support Success

Provide individualized student communication

  • Placement process
  • Placement application
  • Site onboarding requirements (drug test, background check, training)

Vet sites and on-site supervisors

  • Meet accreditation requirements (hours, years of experience, degree)
  • Meet University requirements (learning outcomes)
  • Meet student’s goals, location, and schedule

Facilitate required documentation

  • Agreement between site and University
  • Supervisor credentials (resume, license, diploma)
  • Site forms
  • Competency checklist

Serve as an extension of the University’s team

  • Faculty approval of site and student matches
  • Coordination of local sites
  • Troubleshoot issues

Where do our students go?

Aligned with our university’s mission to expand access and positively impact communities.

  • Emergency
  • Maternity
  • Pediatrics
  • Hospice
  • Surgery
  • Inpatient
  • Outpatient
  • Behavioral Health
  • Schools
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Mental Health Clinic
  • Adoption Agency
  • Psychiatric Facility
  • Domestic Violence Shelter
  • Drug Rehabilitation Center
  • Hospice
  • CVS
  • Walgreens
  • Safeway
  • Sam’s Club
  • Independent Pharmacies
  • Teaching
  • Public
  • Private
  • Elementary
  • Middle
  • High
  • Urban
  • Rural

Noodle Engage CRM (Placement Center)

Our CRM solution not only supports enrollment and student support, but it also streamlines the process of finding and securing practicum placements. Students can easily search for available placement opportunities based on their program requirements and location preferences. They can also receive notifications and updates on the status of their placement requests.

Furthermore, our CRM allows us to track student progress and monitor their performance during their practicum experience. This data not only helps us ensure that students are meeting the clinical hour requirements for their program, but it also allows us to provide personalized support and guidance to students throughout their practicum journey.

Ready to Elevate Your University’s Potential?

Join the many esteemed institutions already experiencing the Noodle difference. 

Elevate your university’s impact and reach with a partner committed to your success.