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Profiles in Diversity: Briana Bender

March 11, 2024

Get to Know Noodle Digital Marketing Specialist, Briana Bender

“I think a great leader is able to captivate and inspire those around them. They’re able to work with people from diverse backgrounds and they’re able to overcome adversity when the odds are against them. ”

Briana Bender is Noodle’s Digital Marketing Specialist. Born and raised in St. Louis, MO she attended the University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou) and has a Bachelor’s degree in Communications. She recalls she didn’t think education would be her life’s work, but while living in San Diego she began working for a few institutions such as National University, FAU, and Albertus Magnus college—higher education seemed to follow her wherever she went. Now here at Noodle, she supports her team through effective communication skills and getting to know each other! 

What elements or traits does a great leader exhibit? 

I believe that a great leader inspires and empowers those around them. They are able to communicate effectively and empathize with their team.  They have a clear vision of the goals they have and they are able to adapt when needed. Great leaders also take accountability for their team and their work. I believe great leaders are mentors, motivators, and champions for their team.

When you think of great leadership, who comes to mind? Why? 

When I think of great leaders I don’t just have one particular person in mind. I think a great leader is able to captivate and inspire those around them. They’re able to work with people from diverse backgrounds and they’re able to overcome adversity when the odds are against them. A person that comes to mind is a previous CMO I worked with at a previous institution. He was direct but also heard the needs of every employee and found a way to implement our requests. If we wanted a career change within the organization he figured out a plan to get us to where we wanted to be.

How has your personal leadership style evolved? 

My personal leadership style has evolved significantly over time shaped by various experiences and learning opportunities. I find that having a process and providing clear communication helps empower others. 

What is it about your background or career experiences that successfully positioned you for your role at Noodle? Describe that role. 

Beginning working in higher education in 2016 helped me a lot with my current role at Noodle. I started off doing organic social media and then transitioned to paid social. 

How do you support the success of your team? 

Our team communicates with each other on what we are testing and things that have worked for us and things that aren’t working. This communication helps us meet our goals. Since we’re all remote and fairly new I set up a monthly meeting that allows us to go through things that are working, pain points for us, and just allows us time to get to know each other better as well. 

Describe how your career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people, places or experiences. 

My career has been enhanced by exposure to diverse people because it allows me to hear from different people of different backgrounds and learn from their experiences. I think having diverse people is key for all teams!

What are some of the most effective tools in your leadership arsenal? 

An effective tool for me is communication when it comes to interpersonal skills. For my job I would say analytics is the biggest tool for us because it helps paint a picture of what’s working and what’s not. 

Please tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

 I am an avid reader! My goal is to read 53 books this year. Send recommendations!

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