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Life at Noodle

The Noodle logo against a deep blue background.
Get to Know Noodle’s Director of Operations, Learning Sushyla Perez I think it’s always important to learn from others both culturally and professionally—it only makes us stronger and more unified. ‍Sushyla Perez is Noodle’s Director of Operations, Learning. Sushyla was born in Germany to Puerto Rican parents and spent most of her time growing up […]
A woman sits at a desk in front of a computer and participates in a video conference online.
As large companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google continue to commit to remote work cultures, I figured it would be a good time to reflect on my journey into full-time remote work at Noodle over the past two years, and some impactful conversations I’ve had with folks in edtech through my podcast. Remote work is a bit of a foreign concept in higher […]
A person's in profile, partially in shadow and partially in rainbow colors.
This was it. I had tossed, turned, and lost sleep for four days over this decision. I consulted my wife, spoke with my supervisor, and even sought input from my favorite Human Resources Business Partner on this decision, but now was the time to either step up, or stay quiet. ‍“So, let’s back up a […]
The Noodle logo against a deep blue background.
This year has been a hectic one, to say the least. I started the year in a brand new role, with a brand new company, in a brand new industry, and was ready to take on the world. 2020 on the other hand had its own plans, and in the span of 5 months, things […]
A parent speaks on a cell phone while working on a laptop, as a child plays in the background.
Covid-19 and its continued effects are wholly unprecedented. For those of us with children the altered state of our everyday lives, and that of our families, has been challenging, overwhelming, and is riddled with a consistent sense of uncertainty. Despite the overall tragedy that is Covid-19, finding positivity in our new ‘normal’ is tantamount to […]