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A hundred dollar bill folded into the shape of a boat rocks in the ocean waves.
By Tim Sheehan Universities are on a journey to increase revenue. But all too often, universities using the revenue sharing OPM model feel like they’re adrift and hoping they end up at the right destination.
Four separate black and white photos of students engaging with each other.
Part 3 of our “Strategies to Re-Enroll and Support Students Who Have Discontinued Their Studies” series In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the foundational steps of developing a re-engagement plan for stopouts, including gathering additional data, selecting a segmentation strategy, crafting and delivering messages, and evaluating results. In Part 2, we looked […]
A closeup of a hand pressing a blue button with an award ribbon icon on it.
Part 2 of our “Strategies to Re-Enroll and Support Students Who Have Discontinued Their Studies” series In Part 1, we explored the steps involved in executing targeted re-enrollment outreach campaigns, including data collection, student segmentation, setting re-enrollment targets, crafting an outreach strategy, and measuring and evaluating results. It is also essential to have a comprehensive […]
A profile of a man wearing glasses against a dark blue background with icons of a lightbulb, a graph, and a magnifying glass.
We have a new article out in UPCEA’s Industry Insights, “Transforming Prospective Student Engagement through Data-Driven Insights.” It dives into why data and technology are super important for creating a well-rounded student experience. It talks about how we need to broaden our data sources and use AI to make our interactions with students more personal. […]
A student wearing a backpack stands outside the entrance of an educational institution.
A three-part series Introduction Re-engaging students who have temporarily discontinued their studies—often referred to as “stopouts”—is a critical challenge for higher education institutions. In the U.S., approximately 40% of college students stop out at some point before earning their degree and, according to National Student Clearinghouse Research Center data from 2023, 40.4 million Americans have […]
A social worker meets with a client at a sunny table.
Social work is essential for fostering healthy communities, and universities play a crucial role in training social workers. As the demand for social work positions continues to rise, challenges related to diversity persist. Individuals holding a master’s degree enjoy improved job prospects and higher salaries. Notably, social work stands out as the only public administration […]
Two differently colored blue circles, one containing a medical symbol, the other containing a graduation cap, overlap each other slightly.
In this one hour webinar, Butler University Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Assistant Director of the Doctor of Pharmacy Online Pathway, Dr. Kevin Tuohy, and Noodle Senior Managing Director for Learning Partnerships, Robyn Hammontree, will discuss the power of creating a strong orientation for your online programs.  The webinar will include an exploration and […]
A professional stands in a flowerpot holding a suitcase while a hand appears from out of frame holding a watering can.
Budgeting for innovation in higher ed isn’t about numbers. It’s building a culture that fosters innovation and prioritizes when and where to spend its funds.
Tim Sheehan
Get to Know our Director, Partnership Development What is your area of expertise and how long have you been working in this field? My area of expertise lies in partnership development, strategic consulting, and financial modeling within the higher education technology sector. I have been working in this field for over five years where I […]